Good Enough for Me



When we don’t have approval, we feel we are inadequate, unrecognized, or a failure. We feel like we just need to try harder. “If only I…” is the thought that plagues our minds. We torture ourselves, if not during the day, then when we try to fall asleep at night. For hours we may toss and turn, rolling around in our sheets just as the thoughts roll around in our minds. Turning, turning, and turning over, all without resolution. Or, we may try to drown out our self-criticism with drugs or alcohol, consuming until we no longer feel connected to anything real.

Eventually, we have to say, “Enough”. Enough trying and not getting the recognition we deserve. Enough struggling and still being told we could do better. Enough having to be supervised or micromanaged for tasks we are capable to doing ourselves. And enough beating our emotional selves up for not getting the love, attention, or support we so desperately want. We have to accept that the people we have been seeking approval from may not be able to give us what we want. That doesn’t mean they can’t give some of what we want. It just means that they may be incapable of giving us all that we want the way we want it.

Once we accept that those we look up to simply aren’t capable of meeting our needs the way we want, we begin to feel lighter, freer, and more at peace. No longer are we tormented by our inner demons of criticism. Slowly, we stop finding fault with ourselves. Eventually, we stop finding fault with others. We begin to see hope, possibility, beauty, and love in places we had missed before. Finally, we stop holding on for dear life and begin to simply enjoy the ride.